Saturday, July 10, 2010

Sundays and Anticipation

Today is my 10 dpiui. Nothing happened, not at all. NADA. I don't even feel a slight twinge anywhere near my stomach / uterus / ovary area. Yes, TWW is a bummer. Why can't we know the result immediately after the iui is completed. At least we do not have to go through 14 days of torture and wonder whether it is successful or another BFN. Nonetheless, during the past few months I have lost all of my interest to POA. It is too frustrating having been getting BFN after BFN after BFN. So, every month I will just wait for my AF. If it's late, it is just maybe only LATE...

Been quite busy the past few days with work, meeting friends etc etc but today is Sunday and I'm all alone as hubs has gone out to help his friends in a football event management. Apprently it is a full day tornament. So I'm all alone with anticipating this TWW by myself. Again, bummer.

Hope my day will get better by the hour. :)

Monday, July 5, 2010


I did my first IUI attempt on 1.7.2010, today is 6.7.2010 so today is my 5 dpiui. The IUI treatment is an additional boost to clomid (day 2-7) and HCG shot on day 14. Surprisingly, my doctor believe that I have responded well to clomid (3 as he called it "beautiful" eggs) and also the uterus lining has an acceptable amount of thickness for implantation. However, the IUI procedure did not go as smoothly as I've imagined it to be. It was so painful that I was biting my hands just to keep me from screaming. The nurse later said that my cervic was closed so the doctor had to kind of poke it, in order to make a path way for the tubes. Ahh... the things women do to have a baby. But I guess this is nothing compared to the actual child birth itself and how I wish that this IUI will be a success.

Boy, this tww is so tough. I have been reading in TTC blogs and forums and found out that there are many women out there who have had up to 10 attempts. My sincere respect goes out to them.

I've been married for 3 years plus and have been trying ever since. So it is not a laughing matter when I keep getting BFNs month after month after month. It has been a stressful and tiring journey.

I've decided to write my thoughts and feelings in this blog in order to let off some steam :).