Monday, July 22, 2013

One at a time

Sometimes my days just didn't go as planned and normally I would ponder about it and wondering what is wrong... what have I done wrong, how can I avoid these things from happening etc etc etc...

I would then try to reflect on life as a whole, which I like to call it as a moment of reflection. I like to make an analysis out of it and try to make a connection with all of the events that have happened in my life. My husband would always tell me not to jumble up all of my problems into one, if I do that, even the smallest of matter will turn out to be huge since it has been connected with other bigger issues which sometimes may not be resolved or may take some time before it can resolve itself or come to a resolution.

My husband is right. I may not agree with him to his face and would find some other dramatic scene just to divert from the fact that he is right, but that is just me being me. But here I am admitting this, as I believe that he is not reading my blog, which may not be true but at least I am very certain that it will be quite some time before he finally reads this and by that time, this may not be an issue to me already. hehehe..

Ok, back to jumble up all of my problems into one huge lump of problem which may make everything seems bigger, I believe that this is my biggest kryptonite. I mean, if I am a Superman or Superwoman (to be gender specific) or something like that, which I am not. But nonetheless, I believe that this could be one of the main source of my stress as I have a very high tendency to jumble up all of my problems.

This is where the piece of advice from my husband comes in handy. This month of Ramadhan, I am in my personal soul searching journey. It may not be on a big scale, but for me I came to terms about life is "now". Living the life that I want. Problems and challenges are what make life interesting. It gives people hope. It gives people the drive to try harder, to try to achieve something bigger, something greater or just plain something.

By trying to live my life as it is and accepting my life on an "as-is" basis, I attempt to resolve one problem at a time. I know that I can't resolve it all at once but I am doing something about it, one at a time. It may take some time and some of it may not be resolved at all, but this is my life and I am embracing it.

This is not a piece of writing on how to resolve all of one's problems but instead a piece to advocate everyone to tackle each problem at a time. I am now spending my time to reflect and live my life. Try to enjoy and make use every minute and every breath that I may have as at the end of the day this world is only a transition place. I believe that there will be a life after this which will be the permanent destination for all.

Ramadhan kareem to all.


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