Tuesday, February 5, 2013

loves and heart breaks

Nak cerita pasal love ni and nak kena ada feel... and so in this post I will use bahasa rojak...

There are many types of love, the ultimate love of all is Allah, and then there is kasih ibu yang tiada tolok bandingannya, kasih sayang with family members, friends, pets etc etc but what I want to talk about here is kasih sayang between lovers.. I mean the corny, cliche I love you, you love me between two undeniably stupid people who fall in love for no apparent reason... The type of love that people write stories about like Romeo and Juliet, Adam and Eve, Bella and Eward... etc etc etc... you get what I mean... :p

This kinda stupid, crazy love will make you get that tingly feeling inside your stomach... you feel as if there are a  few butterfly farms combined inside your stomach and it is about to explode anytime soon with all the fluttering here and there, you feel the mandi tak basah, makan tak kenyang, sikat tak licin feelings and sometimes macam nak muntah pun ada.... Generally you feel like shit! haha... but this is the kind of LOVE that is worth to talk about... If you do not feel any of the descriptions above, to me, then it is not love, it is infatuation or to quote from facebook's language it is only "Like"... You "like" it but you don't feel like commenting... hehe

The story starts when you are about 15-17 (this is a very basic estimation as sometimes it happens earlier or sometimes it happens later... depends on one's "kegatalan"... haha).

When you were a teenager, you fell in love for the first time and for most of us, that love doesn't last long, let alone a lifetime and now when you are older you will deem that as puppy love... woof woof... :)....

Following that, for most of us, we will get our hearts broken for the first time.

The first time you get your heart broken, you feel as if it is the end of the world! You cried buckets! For some, you did not want to leave your room and when you are actually able to leave your room, you decided that you need to do a paradigm shift on your life like totally... and to do it there and then. At that age, unable to do as you pleased but deep inside you still want to express your anger and frustration (ala-ala frust menonggeng.. haha) you could opt do one of the following (trial and tested methods):

1) cut your hair (cut it really short that everyone will notice that you did stuffs to your hair, not the now and then trimming to get rid of split ends kinda cut or the I want to get rid of the super straight rebonded hair kinda cut);
2) Color your hair (haha.. ok ok I am a little bit obsessed with my hair), but make sure you do it really well and it flatters your total appearance as you want to make yourself happy again... not dye it dark blue and change you from the cheerful happy outgoing girl to a dark lipped goth look girl (tried it... it WILL make you look like a witch and does NOT make you feel any better);
3) or you could get your belly (or any other body parts) pierced, not every time but yup, did that once, happy for a few weeks but not very happy with the outcome now....lol), also please note that the ultimate quest here is to make you feel better.. so kalau pierce kat hidung, eyebrow, lips etc and end up scaring people away, the chance is you won't feel better and that the girl or guy who left you or left by you will have a kenduri doa selamat as you are no longer in their life).... haha;
4) confide in your best friend(s) (this method is highly recommended and it has been tested so many times and subject that your best friend(s) are really good people, you will get the kick-on-the-butt that sometimes you really need at that time... )...

These are some suggestions for teenagers as they are still on the rebellious stage but don't tell your parents that you get this from my blog... sendiri buat sendiri tanggung (oh gosh.. I hope my baby girl never read this) :p

And then time flies and without you realising it you are much better now and you have reached your 20s or 30s or 40s or 50s or 60s or 70s etc etc and deemed an adult (Not! sama je...).... :p

When you reached your 20s or 30s (lebih kurang je... you still fee the same), you thought that the volatile teenager's hormones that have been possessing your body and make you think and feel weird, have subsided or even have exited your body totally and that you are able to meet someone on a more mature level and start a REAL love life. NOT!! Falling in love, makes all that volatile teenager's hormones come back and it came back stronger than ever as if with a vengeance! You fall in love again and again and again and again... Each time when you first falls in love, you feel as if you walk on air... working late sampai pagi in the office was not so bad as there is that one special person who keeps on calling, texting you and making you smile and wait to have dinner (make that supper... dinner always turn to supper - common for career driven person... if you are not this type of person... then stick to dinner :p) with you.

Nonetheless, you get fed up as you still haven't mastered this stupid relationship thingy!

And then you break up for the not sure how many times with the same person (sometimes) and also with different person (most of the time)... and you feel as if your life has ended and that you will die alone, as a spinster and maybe if you are lucky enough you will have a cat who will accompany you... and you think, damn you volatile teenager's hormones! How come you are still here? How come I feel as bad as I felt when I was 16 or 17?

But then when you have reached your 20s or 30s (trust me, you still feel the same), you have a little bit more money than when you were a teenager, so you could do the following to make this heart break session more bearable:

1) spend more time with your girlfriends or guy friends or gay friends (for girls they are the best to bitch about your good for nothing ex) chillaxing at premium coffee shops or posh restaurants (this depends on your preference really, if you like to lepak at mamak also can... as long as you are happy);
2) you recognise the full potential of the treatment called retail therapy and mark my word, will be using that treatment until you die (this is only a presumption nonetheless a very valid one as I remembered how I use to shop online while lying on a hospital bed feeling blue and depressed and need a little pick-me-up);
3) go on girly road trips with your girl friends (or if you are a boy, boy's trip la kan).... all in the name of "i frust babe, please help me to feel better".... :p;
4) do a total body make over (again I stress, the one that can actually make you feel and look good, not the self destructive kinda thing);
5) confide in your best friends (who ever that may be, by this age you may have already found a person that really understand you inside and out. See I told you before that confiding in your best friends works at any age)...

Nonetheless, this is definitely not an extensive method to sure cure your broken heart but you may try one of these methods and I am also sure that for every religious beliefs you have your own way to overcome sadness... Above is only some of the fun things that I have done in the past to overcome my own heart breaks... And I still believe that these methods will still work no matter what age you are now...

Not trying to be yoda-ish but hearts broken everyday, it is how you handle it makes a different... you may choose to learn and accept it or keep on being sad... the choice is yours...

For me, learn to redha with everything that comes your way and learn to be content with your life because life is too short indeed.


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