Coming back from a long wonderful weekend is always the hardest. I mean after 5 days of holidays of practically doing fun things, one have to be back at work and expected to concentrate all day (and sometimes night) to meet never ending datelines and meetings and everything in between.
To pick up some momentum on this incredibly hard Tuesday morning, I would like to share some of the things that I've done during the weekend.
1) I cut the little bunny's fringe. Yup, having a kid is like having a real life baby doll!! You can practically do anything you like and most of the time she won't protest... much! lol... like dressing her up as you like etc... hehehe... I know, I know this won't last long as the moment that she is old enough to have her own fashion sense, mummy is no longer able to dress her as mummy wants. But at the moment, I am enjoying my little baby doll to the fullest! Ok, talking about this new haircut, I love it as it does not cover her cute little face but hubby is not a fan of the new haircut, he thinks this new haircut is too common for toddlers and that the little bunny have lost her edginess (bla, bla bla.... yup hubster is obsessed with his daughter's hair :p).

2) All of us went back to JB to attend a cousin's wedding back in my hometown. Note that the little bunny is high on chocolate chips cookies! My baby's diet is always on holiday when we are on holiday. Not advisable, but I believe in moderation. She is allowed to enjoy herself in moderation, of course. :)
3) As we are back in my hometown, it is a must that we have our own little escapades to enjoy the delicacies there. Hubby and I had a little time off without the little bunny and we went to Taman Sentosa, JB to enjoy a little bit of JB's delicacy - the bubur (porridge) set. I totally LOVE the bubur set in JB, we just ordered "bubur set" and it comes with all the complements as opposed to KL's Kampung Baru bubur when you are supposed to choose the complements and always ended up ordering more than you need and obviously paying such a ludicrous amount of money to just eat bubur. I miss you already Taman Sentosa's bubur set....

4) Of course, more time spent with the little bunny. JB was exceptionally hot last weekend, so we entertained the little bunny with a little water park (ok, ok, ok not comparable to a water park :p) fun, but to a 1 year 10 months old baby that is almost like a theme park for her! (I think, judging from her delighted face and her refusal to leave the blow up swimming pool) :)
5) And yes, more food escapades! Just a little note for the foodies, this nasi beryani stall is the BOMB! It is located at the Tepian Tebrau hawker's stalls. For those of you who are familiar with this place, it is no longer located in front of the Lido beach. It has been re-located to somewhere near the English College, behind Mcdonalds, Jalan Sungai Chat.
Not too bad for a long weekend, I reckon. :)